University students looking for part time student jobs should consider the prospect of being a private tutor. There are no joining fees charged on joining a tutorial agency, in fact it is free of charge. Anyone interested can apply with their qualifications and be added to the searchable database within five minutes. There are no entry exams necessary to be a personal tutor - regardless of previously achieved grades, whether straight A’s or C’s, the most important thing is the willingness to pass on the knowledge learnt.
Tutor student jobs are fun and flexible. As a private tutor, you are able to choose the most convenient days and times that work for you and your academic schedule. Private tutors decide on the tuition fees charged, with some starting as low as £9 per hour. In comparison to some professionals who charge between £25 and £35 per hour for private tuition, this provides an affordable option for parents who want to hire private tutors for their kids across all academic levels, from primary school to GCSE and A-levels.
The potential pay rates for tutor student jobs are far better when compared to other part time student jobs. With the current high cost of living and expensive university fees, student tutors can use the money earned to pay their tuition fees and expenses.
Each child at school learns and absorbs knowledge at a different pace. Pupils who do not get the attention they need at school can benefit a lot from private tuition. As it is surely the wish of every parent to see their child pass their exams with flying colours, increasing numbers of parents are willing to hire private tutors for the sake of their child’s academic success. Student tutors are able to select their preferred teaching subjects. They will have vast knowledge of their chosen subjects and the top tips required to pass the subjects’ exams. Moreover, having recently left school themselves, they are well aware of the course curriculum, as well as having all required research and revision materials to ensure that their pupils are thoroughly equipped with relevant knowledge. It is this aspect that makes private tutoring an important option for parents.
Students who wish to gain much needed experience for their curriculum vitae (CV) or resume whilst still in university can opt for tutor student jobs. Working as a student tutor boosts your CV and the increases the possibilities of developing a career in teaching or working with children in the future. Moreover, student tutors develop communication, interpersonal and other useful soft skills that will be useful in their future careers, in the process of providing private tuition.
There are different levels of tutor student jobs. Young children in primary school can hire a private tutor to help them learn to write, read and spell. Some children at primary school level may have started lagging behind and require the need of maths tutors to help them get back on track. Besides the basics, private tutors can also motivate children and teach them organisation skills. GCSE level pupils on the other hand, may choose to hire a personal tutor in order to master the variety of subjects taught in school. Extracurricular activities and foreign languages such as German and French are also areas where private tutors can prove useful.